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It’s here. The Holidays, aka the "I ate too much” season. To balance out or even substitute the sweet treats, we have a smoothie for you that is nourishing, festive, and almost tastes like ice cream. Cacao is the star of this recipe, with it’s chocolate taste and high magnesium content. A frozen banana is key here for thick and frosty consistency :) Throw in a few of our favorite adaptogens, chia seeds, and that holiday cinnamon for the best holiday delight yet.


Cacao powder

1 Frozen banana

8 oz Almond milk (we love Pop n Bottle’s Almond Milk with Dates)

1 tsp Lucuma

1 tsp Ashwagandha

1 tsp Probiotic powder

1 tbs Chia seeds

1 tsp or less Cinnamon

1 tsp Bee Pollen


Add all ingredients into blender and blend. Top with bee pollen and enjoy!

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